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Location: Telford, Pennsylvania, United States

My main blog: Ramblings generally focuses on telling a story via photography and words. These stories generally center around family, nature, and church although sometimes just about life in general. I also have a blog entitled Fingerprints. I post less frequently in Fingerprints. It serves as a catch all of anything that does not go in my Ramblings blog including memes, quizzes, and reports on books and movies.

The road awaits
Time doesn't
The road beckons
Time steps forward

Will we move
In step with time?
Will we step forward
Shaping our time?

Will we take time
To see the present?
Will we explore the past
And understand our heritage?

Will we laugh?
Will we wonder?
Will we touch?
Will we feel?

Time flies on
We have choices
Shall we go fast?
Shall we go slow?

We shall go forward
But we will choose the pace
We may dance with all our heart
Or bathe ourselves in a setting sun

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Diary - Miscellanea

This past Saturday, I watched the movie Happily Ever After and episodes of MASH, Stargate SG-1, and Stargate Atlantis series all on Fox Television. I also worked on preparing a blog for the upcoming MAMA Project trip to San Pedro Sula, Honduras by a group from my home church. The trip will be from January 14-23.

Today, attendance at church was slim; I think too many people stayed up too late last night. But I had a blast teaching and talking with my two sixth grade Sunday School students. Normally, there are four students. After church, I went to Mom and Dad's for dinner and played the word game Upwards with them. This evening, I've been reading some fantasy fiction and browsing various blogs as well as working on mine.


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