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Location: Telford, Pennsylvania, United States

My main blog: Ramblings generally focuses on telling a story via photography and words. These stories generally center around family, nature, and church although sometimes just about life in general. I also have a blog entitled Fingerprints. I post less frequently in Fingerprints. It serves as a catch all of anything that does not go in my Ramblings blog including memes, quizzes, and reports on books and movies.

The road awaits
Time doesn't
The road beckons
Time steps forward

Will we move
In step with time?
Will we step forward
Shaping our time?

Will we take time
To see the present?
Will we explore the past
And understand our heritage?

Will we laugh?
Will we wonder?
Will we touch?
Will we feel?

Time flies on
We have choices
Shall we go fast?
Shall we go slow?

We shall go forward
But we will choose the pace
We may dance with all our heart
Or bathe ourselves in a setting sun

Monday, November 21, 2005

The Diary

At my home church, I teach the sixth grade Sunday School class. And naturally, I'm totally delighted when totally unsolicited my students let me know that they want me to keep on teaching them. For example, yesterday morning I told them that there would be two Sundays in January that I would be unable to teach them. Immediately before I had a chance to tell them why, they asked me, "you're not going to stop teaching us, are you?" I said, no, and explained that I was planning to be a part of our church's January MAMA Project team to Honduras. With that explanation, everything was then okay. It makes one feel good to be positively wanted. And I like them. They make my teaching a joy with their active participation in activities and discussion.

The rest of the day I spent with my nieces and my brother & his wife. It was a good day. I enjoy spending time with them. Among other things we spent time playing table games and frisbee. And I enjoyed listening to two of my nieces and later my brother play piano. And later after the girls went to bed, my brother and I played a card game called Rook and had some good conversation time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello brother! I also enjoyed the relaxing time on Sunday. I don't get to play grown-up games nearly as much as I used to. I really miss that! Albeit, having children around is mostly a blessing as well.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the TV stuff. I can't seem to adjust to having TV on as background noise, even if I am not watching it. Somehow, I wonder if the spirit of what is being shown influences my environment whether or not I am aware of it. I would much rather choose Christian radio or CD's.

Friday, November 25, 2005 7:53:00 PM  

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